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Sensitive Protect Oil wao 195mL

Sensitive Protect Oil wao 195mL

SKU: 4562167347443

Olya for a zagistu head's head "RITA SENSITIVE PROTECT WAO"


Before the warehouse you can enter: argan olea, olea bilogo Limnantes Alba, olea macadamia peas, olea zholoba, olea avocado, olive olea, olea soflori, liquorice root extract, algae extract, azulene. It is recommended to use the method of renewal of the head and the head and the head of the head for the hour of chemical procedures (vyprymlennya, farbuvannya, perm), meaningfully changes the number of farbuvial (or any of the previous type of hair treatment) I will increase the perception of the oven and the improvement of the skin cover before the hour of chemical procedures. Dodatkovo conquest of hair and head from bacteria, fungi, assimilates a magnifying glass, regeneration, rejuvenation skin, assimilates inappropriate odors, stimulates microcirculation of blood and regulates the exchange of biological processes. Actively fight against violent radicals.

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