The innovative LEVULI series with levulinic acid is the development of HAHONICO bioengineers, where heat treatment has become an ally of healthy hair
The HAHONICO LEVULI series covers the hair with a veil of pearly radiance

The innovative HAHONICO PRO LEVULI series is the discovery of HAHONICO bioengineering, where heat treatment has become an ally of healthy hair.
HAHONICO presents the world's first line, the use of all three products of which (shampoo, balm and lotion), will provide high-quality home hair care that is not inferior in efficiency to salon-level systemic care.
Combining luxurious ingredients such as levulinic acid, hydrolyzed keratin synthesized from fine wool wool, carefully selected plant extracts and unique certified penetrating biotechnologies, HAHONICO bioengineers have created the LEVULI series.

Why levulinic acid? Levulinic acid has all the properties of a carboxylic acid, and therefore forms derivatives of the carbonyl group.
*The HAHONICO LEVULI line uses levulinic acid as the carbonyl compound.
Carbonyl compounds, HAHONICO LEVULI lines come into contact with lysine and arginine residues in the hair, tightly “gluing” the keratin from the composition to the main keratin of the hair, and under the influence of high temperatures (hairdryer, curling iron, flat iron) the “gluing” process intensifies. As a result, heat treatment of hair turns into an ally of hair health and beauty!

The HAHONICO LEVULI series includes the latest innovative world hair care technologies, certified unique ingredients and 8 rare organic plant extracts.
Cynatine® Top is an innovative ingredient containing a high concentration of cysteine.
Curetein®alfa remodels damaged hair by covalently binding to hair keratin.
«Platinum Silk» prevents the rise of the cuticle, giving it smoothness, regulates internal reflection and gives a pearly sheen to the hair fiber.
The formulas of the HAHONICO LEVULI series include two patented penetrating biotechnologies to strengthen the inner hair shaft, prevent cuticle delamination, restore the strength of the hair floss to the level of intact hair, and also increase the strength and strength of the hair by 3 (three) times!

The FiberHance™ BM solution active promotes a 3-fold increase in hair strength and elasticity, regardless of the type and degree of damage, restoring the strength of the hair floss to the level of undamaged hair.
*FiberHance™ BM Solution is a patented Ashland™ always solving product
NanoRepair® C is a revolutionary penetrating biotechnology that effectively restores the internal structure of the hair by encapsulating essential lipids that help retain moisture, restore and strengthen the lamellar structure of the hair, and prevent cuticle delamination.
*NanoRepair is a registered trademark of Nippon Fine Chemical Co., Ltd.

LEVULI shampoo is a balanced blend of 4 types of surfactants based on amino acid, betaine, sodium cocoyl isethionate (a mild anionic surfactant derived from coconut oil) and taurine as the main cleansing ingredient.
Taurine is a sulfoamino acid that is essential for the synthesis of keratin. It has an anti-fibrotic effect on the hair follicle and prevents hair loss.
Taurine is a hair growth stimulator, prevents the thinning of the hair shaft, improves blood circulation and nutrition of the hair root, as well as adjacent tissues, strengthens the walls of the hair follicle, and maintains hair muscle tone.

Шампунем тщательно моем волосы и кожу головы
1. Распределить шампунь в ладонях и нанести на кожу голови и волосы.
2. Хорошо «распенить» шампунь и распределить пену по всей длине волос.
3. Оставить пену на волосах и расчесать от корней до кончиков.
• После расчесывания оставьте пену на 30-60 секунд.
Смываем шампунь и наносим бальзам
1. Убрать полотенцем остатки влаги с волос.
2. Нанести бальзам по всей длине волос, отступая от корня.
3. Расчесать волосы от корня до самых кончиков.
•После расчесывания оставить бальзам на 3(три) минуты.

Перед укладкой волос феном наносим лосьон
1. Нанести лосьон на влажные или сухие волосы.
2. Высушите волосы феном.
длина волос/объем потребления
• Короткая длина волос: 3-5 нажатий на дозатор
• Средняя длина: 6-8 нажатий на дозатор
• Длинные волосы: 8-10 нажатий на дозатор

Efficiency of the HAHONICO LEVULI series
Increases hair strength and strength by 3 (three) times
Increasing the strength of the hair floss to the level of intact hair
Smoothness and pearl shine of hair
Strengthening the hair shaft
Combats thinning hair
Strengthening the hair follicle
Helps grow long hair
Prevents hair fading
Increases hair elasticity
Eliminates and prevents brittleness and dryness of hair
Reduces hair loss
Deep hydration for hair and scalp
Strengthening and restoration of the internal structure of the hair
Blocks the negative impact of the environment
Protects the scalp from oxidative stress
Powerful anti-aging effect
Prevents cuticle splitting
Cuticle Smoothing
High thermal protection
Increases the moisture holding capacity of the hair