Henna belongs exclusively to the plant of the Lawsonia species, it is made only from leaves, without admixtures of stems and other parts of this plant.
Hahonico henna-based dyes do not contain Diamines, the alkaline agents found in many similar henna-based dyes.
HAHONICO Rita Lawsonia Organic Hena
Henna of the 1st generation-a powder that could only be colored in bright red, orange tones.
Henna of the 2nd generation is a powder with the addition of Diamines, which allowed us to expand the palette of shades by oxidation. But there was still a problem with the coloring of gray hair.
Henna of the 3rd generation-a mixture of the plants Lavsonia and Indigo in order to paint over the gray hair.
Henna of the 4th generation-by adding hydrogen sulfide, it was possible to achieve dark brown shades.
Henna of the 5th generation-it was possible to reduce the coloring process to 2 stages, while expanding the palette of shades, as well as prolonging the coloring effect.
The powder particles have a size of only 20 microns (fine dispersion), which allows you to achieve the highest quality result, as there is a thorough adhesion of the drug to the surface of the hair.
It was possible to minimize the stage of coloring to 2!
Henna contains tannins, which, in addition to useful properties, make the hair tough. Unlike other products, the composition of henna-based dyes Hahonico includes collagen, which softens the hair when coloring.
HAHONICO Rita Lawsonia Organic Hena
Forming a transparent film, henna seals the hair, giving it volume and natural shine, and also helps to preserve the color of colored hair for a long time, creating the effect of natural phyto-lamination.
Henna also has a positive effect on the scalp, relieving it from irritation, dryness, dandruff and redness, performs an antibacterial function, prevents hair loss and promotes hair growth.
Absolutely safe for humans and the environment!