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Мыло косметическое Sakura hime

Cosmetic soap Sakura hime no Soap 80g

Sakura hime soap


Sakura Hime Cosmetic Soap 80 g
Have you used a lot of ingredients to keep moisture out of the ocean? 
You can use it not only on the face, but on everything in the body.


Hijiki extract, Wakame extract


Cosmetics from untreated pearls HAHONICO
The first in the world!

A series of cosmetics "Sakura Hime Raw pearl Cosmetics" using homemade pearls, is gentle on the skin.

Premium cosmetics that extract ingredients directly from pearl beads instead of akoya shells.

  The finesse of pearls mixes profusely and provides a moisturizing effect, "skin improvement" and "clarity" of the skin.



Kenji Glycerinme Ginseng Sorbitol, Methylkelses-20 Glycostrehalose, Pearl Bentonite, Conchiolly Hijikieoski-Hydrogenized starch with the addition of kaolin, Polyquaternium-51-Stealer number Sculose, Glycyrrrhizic acid 2PN / Kölder-Kölder-hydroxylic acid-PN / Kölder-hydroxylic acid Glycyrrhizic acid 2K / Cromonyl-pransud Na-EDTA-4Na Etidronate 4Na-BG-Water

Made in Japan


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